Wool yarn yarn net bamboo fiber cotton color spinning bamboo fiber chromatin

Wool yarn
  The main component of wool is keratin, which consists of a variety of alpha-amino acid left, and the latter can be connected into a spiral long chain molecule. It contains carboxyl, amino, and hydroxyl groups. And hydrogen bonds. The cross -bond formed by the sulfur (sulfur bond of the long chain is connected. The above chemical structure determines the characteristics of wool. For example, when the long chain of the fiber fiber is stretched by the external force, the α -type spiral is transitioned to the β -type extension type, and the external force is restored to the alpha -type, and its appearance is expressed as the elongation of wool and excellent elasticity. The strong wool is related to some groups on the long chain. Wool is more acidic and not alkaline. It is because the alkali is prone to sulfurine groups in lamine, which damage the coat. The oxidant can also destroy sulfur group and damage wool.
  The physical properties of wool mainly include fineness, length, bending, strong extension, elasticity, perforal synthesis, hygroscopic, color and gloss. Fineness is an important process characteristics to determine the quality and use value of hair fiber. The diameter of the fiber is represented by micron or quality counters. The smaller the fineness, the higher the number, the thinner the wool yarn.
  The length includes the natural length and the length of the straightness. The former refers to the straight line distance at both ends of the woolen beam, and the latter is the length of the fiber tensor directly. The extension of fine hair is above 20 %, and the semi -fine hair is about 10 to 20 %. In the case of the same fineness, the longer the wool, the higher the spinning performance, the better the quality of the finished product. Bending is widely used as the basis of valuation wool quality. The curved shape with neatly curved shapes, the spindle yarn and product feel soft, elastic and warm. The fine hair is bent and the density is large, and the hair of thick hair is waveform or flat. Strong extension has a direct impact on the strongness of the finished product. The intensity refers to the stress of wool to break; extension refers to the length increased due to the effect of fracture force. There are great differences in the fracture intensity of various types of wool.
  The fineness of the same type of hair is directly proportional to its strength. The pulp with a marrow is becoming more developed, and the worse its resistance is. The extension of wool can generally reach 20 to 50 %. Elasticity can keep the product's original type, which is an indispensable characteristic of carpet and blankets. The compliance and humidity of wool are generally better. The luster is often related to the scales of the fiber surface. The reflex capacity of the fine hair on the light is weak and the luster is soft; the luster of the coarse hair is strong and bright. The weak luster is often caused by the damage of the scale layer.